How To Save Your Money The Green Way With These DIY Cleaning Products

Bella Breakdown With the planet’s climate obviously changing (contrary to what some people believe) and environmentalist is begging everyone to do their part in saving the world we live in. One of the biggest threats to our environment are the toxic chemicals we use to clean our homes, so here are some DIY products you can use that also keep money in your pocket. Everyone loves keeping things minimal to prevent clutter and an all-purpose cleaner is essential in a household. Instead of grabbing that bottle of Lysol or Clorox you’ve grown accustomed to mixing these ingredients instead. Fill...

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Revamp Your Lifestyle And Protect The Planet With These Tips

Bella Breakdown With many of us wanting to live our best lives in 2019 that comes with changing our lifestyles. Now thanks to environmentalist Ashlee Piper there is a way to switch things up while also saving the planet. According to Piper, going meatless is one of the biggest ways to save the environment. Even if you cut meat out of your diet for a few days a week, places like LYFE Kitchen is a great stop for all of your vegan and vegetarian meal needs. Bring your own everything, everywhere you go. That means bringing your own water...

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Cut Your Waste And Save The Environment

Bella Breakdown The amount of trash that humans produce is enormous. Slowly but surely, we are taking over the planet with our waste. In order to prevent our planet from becoming a “trash planet” we need to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. Being “zero waste” seems impossible to many. But, as it turns out, a family in Michigan has figured out exactly how to do it. They have reduced their trash to taking out the garbage once a year, and we could all take a page from their book. So, what’s their secret? Check...

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Milk Made With Yeast (Like Beer)!

Bella Breakdown A new milk is on the rise! This is not your average nut, oat or soy milk. This new milk is made with fermented yeast (yes, like beer). It has no soy, gluten, or lactose which makes it vegan-friendly. Fortunately, you will find the same nutrients and proteins that you find in cow’s milk. The yeast ferments and turns to sugar, therefore the creation of this milk is a lot like the production of beer. Producing this milk is cleaner and way more efficient than animal farming. It could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 65%! Yeast...

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Small Things You Can Start Today To Help The Environment

Bella Breakdown It’s no secret that the planet is in trouble. Whether it’s running out of natural resources, running out of trees to cut down, or pollution, we are anything but kind to the planet. If you have been looking to make some changes to help save the planet, you don’t have to start big. Starting small and slowly making changes is the way to go. These simple tips from the new book Simple Acts To Save Our Planet show you how you can be more active in saving our planet every day by performing what they call, “Simple...

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