School Rules: Tips for Transitioning Back Into the School Year Schedule

Start Strong This School Year With These Simple Tips! All of us need routines. Personally, I know they keep me sane. The same is true for our kids. Studies have shown that kids thrive in an environment with reasonable rules and a schedule they can rely on. While we all tend to get a little lax with our routine over the summer (after all, it is a vacation time), it is time to get back into the swing of the school routine. Since there are probably several areas we need to buckle down on, starting now to work on...

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First Day of School Photo Ideas

The Best 1st Day of School Photo Opps Every parent wants to commemorate the first day of school with a great photo. In order to creatively document this special day, try one of these fun ideas to create a memorable moment captured in time. Make a video. This might take a few tries, but you can either interview your child or have them read a script about their upcoming year. Facts to include while they are talking might be their name, age, grade, school, teacher’s name, and any other fun facts you want to remember. Take your child’s picture...

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Real Moms, Real Solutions: How Do I Establish My Child’s Homework Routine?

Happiness During Homework Time?… Yes, It Can Be Done! School has arrived! We are getting into our routines of getting up earlier, eating a healthy breakfast, and making it to school on time. However, the one routine that might be a little harder to establish is getting your child to do his homework after school. Homework has been around for as long as we can all remember and is a part of each of our child’s lives. Homework is meant to establish responsibility and teach your child to manage his time, but it is often viewed as a chore by...

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