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What You Should Eat After A Workout

Bella Breakdown While what you eat before going to the dream can contribute to how intense a workout can be, what you eat post-workout can also affect your body. While going straight to a fast-food chain isn’t ideal, eating is an important part of your fitness regimen. During exercise, your muscles are using up stored glycogen so it is important that getting the right nutritional balance after working out to restore those energy levels and reducing fatigue. One thing you should be eating is protein. When you workout your body begins to build onto your existing muscles as long...

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Embarrassing Workout Questions Finally Answered

Bella Breakdown For people who aren’t the most fit going to the gym is a very intimidating activity. However, when you do manage to get a good workout in, questions begin to arise about certain things that you may know nothing about. To help you, here are the answers to some of your most embarrassing questions. Why do my workout clothes smell so bad? The smell of your workout clothes doesn’t necessarily mean you stink. “Odor doesn’t come from the sweat itself; it comes from the bacteria that break down the sweat,” said Katie Horwitch, a New York City-based...

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The Best Exercise Equipment For Working Out At Home

Bella Breakdown With more non-essential businesses closing including gyms, more people are looking for solutions to get a good workout at home. We suggest some of the best exercise equipment to bring the gym to your home. Weighted wrist and ankle bands are great for working out while adding some weight resistance. You can use them while doing a majority of workouts and is great for doing pilates or running on the treadmill. Getting a foam roller can help your body pre- and post-workout to relieve tightness and soreness of muscles while helping to increase the range of motion....

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6 Amazing Yoga Poses For Happiness

Bella Breakdown In the present life full of stress and worries, maximum people have forgotten to smile and be happy. People these days feel that owning a house, luxurious cars, designer clothes, exquisite jewelry are the possessions that can bring happiness. But, the fact is that these just temporary materialistic things which keep a person financially secure and not happy forever. Happiness comes from within when a person’s mind and soul are healthy and stress-free. We suggest a few yoga poses which keep the mind in control and elevates a person’s mood making him/ her happier from within. Let...

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