A Farm In the City DIY

Bella Breakdown Growing and cultivating plants and foods has become extremely popular as of late. It is really cool to be able to grow things like tomatoes, basil, rosemary, sprouts, mint, and much more yourself. You know where your food ingredients are coming from, and you’re not breaking the bank to get the freshest, most organic foods. Not all of us have backyards to grow things in though. You may live in a busy city, where the only access to the outdoors is a small window ledge. That’s probably not sufficient for your basil. Urban farming has become wildly...

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What Is Tactile Eating: And Can It Help You Lose Weight?

Bella Breakdown If you are looking to step your instant-game up while losing weight, then this foodie trend is for you. Tactile foods are foods that are pretty to look at, while being interesting to munch on. Many have found this food trend appealing as it provides different types of textures, making it a fun meal that’s pleasantly noisy. Other than being fun to eat and a good way to gain more followers on Instagram, tactile food could get you more healthy while losing weight. A small study was done in British preschools, where the preschoolers were allowed to...

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