Ever Wonder Why You Love Yoga So Much? Here’s a Scientific Explanation
Bella Breakdown There is no denying the effects of yoga. Something about yoga just relaxes the body and the mind and even though you aren’t any good at it, you keep coming back for more. And no diss to essential oils, but there is actually a science behind it and a reason as to why it works. Yoga is one of the oldest arts known to man. Monks have been practicing yoga for centuries, and for good reason. It is a form of relaxation and a total body reset that most people need or at least want. But in...
5 Steps To Improve The Way You See Yourself
Bella Breakdown No matter how hard you try, sometimes staying positive can be toxic. There’s such a thing as toxic positivity. We are all learning that it’s okay not to be okay all the time. However, some steps will help you love yourself more. Self-love includes respect, higher self-esteem, and overall, a naturally more positive attitude. Try these tips, use them daily, and watch that positivity become part of you. Celebrate Your Body It’s not about your height or your weight. Celebrate what your body does for you every day. It can take you places, give you babies, earn...
What You Should Eat After A Workout
Bella Breakdown While what you eat before going to the dream can contribute to how intense a workout can be, what you eat post-workout can also affect your body. While going straight to a fast-food chain isn’t ideal, eating is an important part of your fitness regimen. During exercise, your muscles are using up stored glycogen so it is important that getting the right nutritional balance after working out to restore those energy levels and reducing fatigue. One thing you should be eating is protein. When you workout your body begins to build onto your existing muscles as long...
How Strong Family Relationships Can Help Your Kids Into Adulthood
Bella Breakdown It’s a well-known fact that having a close relationship with your family is better for everyone around you. But did you know that your relationship with your kids can have long-lasting impacts even in their adult years? I’m talking about depression. Studies have shown that your relationship with your child can affect their chances of developing depression. For the study, families were judged based on how much fun they were having during events and what kind of problems they had. Studies concluded that teens who felt disconnected from their parents or cut off are more likely to...
Get A Great Night Of Sleep By Improving Your Sleep Routine
Bella Breakdown Getting a good night of sleep might seem harder than you think by starting with simple changes to your nighttime routine. These simple sleep routine tips will have you waking up in the morning feeling well-rested. The light from our various screen devices strain the eye and throws the body off the natural circadian rhythm which messes with the natural sleep schedule. Try to cut back your screentime before going to bed that will help prepare your body for rest. You can consider alternative pre-bedtime activities to cut down screentime while relaxing reading a nice book, meditating,...