Getting Hunger Under Control

Bella Breakdown The hardest part of getting fit, or trying to lose weight is maintaining a reasonable, healthy diet. A lot of people tend to be stress eaters, or mindless eaters. This usually makes taking the weight off a lot more difficult. There are a number of factors going on in your life that could be causing uncontrollable hunger. There are a few tips and lifestyle changes to make, to help get eating under control. 1. Sleep You have to get enough sleep. The more tired you are, the more cravings seem to creep up on you. Especially for...

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Working Out In A Heatwave

Bella Breakdown It’s the beginning of August and most of the country is in the midst of a heatwave. We don’t want to sacrifice our daily workout routines, but we also don’t want to die of heat stroke. It’s an internal battle daily. There are some really great ways to keep up with your workouts and not suffer from the blistering sun. 1. Opt for a water workout. If you can, do your workouts in the water. Swimming laps is a really great way to exercise. Water aerobics is also something fun, and a great way to switch up...

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Beachy Waves You’ll Want This Summer

Bella Breakdown There’s nothing quite like the hair you get after a day at the beach. The salt water can turn any kind of hair into that of the mermaid’s we’ve always dreamed of as little girls. Now, some of you might not have constant access to the beach, or maybe you just don’t want to deal with the sand and swallowing salt water, or maybe you’re terrified of the ocean. Don’t fret, there’s still a way to achieve beautiful beach waves without having to go into the ocean. This lavender sea salt spray is the perfect at-home DIY...

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Teenager Creates Genius Way To Purify Water

How One Teen Is Reinventing Water Purification Yash Balaji is a young man on a mission to provide safe drinking water to more and more people across the globe. This teenage inventor created CleanBottle, 1.8 billion people live without access to clean water. That means there are a lot of undeveloped countries around the world have harmful chemicals in their water. So even if the population in these areas has access to water, it may be extremely dangerous and harmful for them to drink. One teenager decided to invent an easier way to purify water, in hopes to provide...

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Summer Water Precaution- How to Keep Your Kids Safe

Aqua Safety 101 Some of the most fun summer activities occur in water. They allow us to stay cool, be outdoors, and have a blast. However, one of the things all parents need to be aware of is the potential for a child to drown. Even though this is a difficult and scary topic, being educated about water safety is key to making your summer a great one. According to the CDC, children up to the age of 4 are most susceptible to drowning. They tell us that most child drownings occur in residential pools. However, this does not...

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