Vegan Alternative Fashion Fads And Trends To Look Out For

Bella Breakdown

More brands are looking forward to the future of the fashion industry and looking at sustainable alternatives for materials including Chanel and Gucci. We celebrate the unique vegan alternative materials used for clothing and accessories that give the fashion industry hope for the future.

Cacti Leather
There are more vegan alternative materials in development including cacti leather that is both durable and flexible compared to traditional leather. One company saw the potential of using cacti to design the Desserto leather that is also biodegradable.

This alternative leather can be used for traditional styles that last up to 10 years, is stain resistant, and a breathable alternative to the heavy traditional leather.

Synthetic Spider Silk
A biotechnology company located in California, Bolt Thread, studies the characteristics of fibers produced by spiders when they spin silk webs. Bolt Thread has created silk that is soft with durable tensile strength and elasticity.

Piñatex Pineapple Leather
The makers of this pineapple leather, Ananas Anam, developed a textile made of the pineapple leaf fiber from the byproduct of existing agriculture after harvesting the fruit. Piñatex is a sustainably sourced, cruelty-free material that has a low environmental impact and gives an additional income stream to local farming communities.

Author: Fae Turner

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