Inside The Lives Of Black Women Dealing With Racial Discrimination On A Daily Basis

Bella Breakdown

When we think about equality we take a minute to reflect on our country as we are said to be a country of equality. We think of all the people who have fought for our equality right and how far we have come as a whole. However, even though we live in a country that is said to be free of discrimination, the unfortunate truth is that it’s still happening to women of color every single day whether you are witnessing it first hand or not.


In this short documentary, these women are sharing their stories with you on what they deal with on a daily basis. From being pointed out as different, criminals, and even looked down upon based on their looks. And the sad truth is that they are seeing this happen not just as adults but it’s happening to young children in schools as well.

So what can you do to help the matter? Well, it starts in your home. Teaching your children and family that just because you are colored or you know some one who is colored doesn’t mean you need to treat them any differently. And to those who do get discriminated against no matter what age these ladies have a powerful message that they would like to share with you.


They want you to know that you are beautiful, you are worth it, and no one can tell you how to be happy but yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you your self-worth, Be confident, strong and beautiful!

Author: Aubrie

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