Ways to Navigate Defiance From Your Child

Bella Breakdown
There is something about your child looking you straight in the eye and saying, “No, I won’t do that,” “I hate you” or “You can’t make me” that challenges you to the core. You are so not alone.

Take a look a these helpful tips that are aimed to help you keep your cool when your child is loses theirs.

Don’t Ever Take it Personally
Your child has no clue what his or her defiance is doing to you emotional so there is no use in personalizing their actions. Understand that your child is just testing his or her bounds with you, most times behavior like this is just a natural part of a child finding their own voice.

Consider Why They Refuse
Maybe your child is just sick of being bossed around all day by teachers, care takers, siblings and even parents. So be sure to engage in activities with you child that foster decision making and independence so he or she will feel some control over themselves and there for be less likely to refuse and rebel against your requests for simple things.

Talk To Yourself
Is your child pressing all your buttons at once? Do you feel a mommy meltdown coming on? Well just sit for a moment and have a one-on-one with yourself. Talk out loud to yourself about what your feel and ways to deescalate the situation. Remember, if your child sees you using positive coping mechanisms to deal with stress he or she will be more likely to use them also.

Reflect and Honor Your Child’s Feelings
Just because their small does not mean their emotions are any less relevant, in fact for children that only know how to live in the moment emotions are all they focus on. So, when your child is upset don’t be dismissive, address your child’s feeling with the same seriousness you would in addressing adult problems. Don’t give into their tantrums but show compassion and try to move on toward a solution that can please you both.

Keeping these ideas in mind can help you to prevent a dramatic situation with your child and curb some of the defiance that may be brewing.

Author: Lauren

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