7 Reasons We Love Our Dogs… In Case You Needed More

Bella Breakdown

Dogs… can’t live without them. Well, some people would argue against that, but dog lovers would vouch for that sentiment all day long. There are so many reasons that dogs are the greatest companions known to man. The lists of reasons could easily fill the pages of the English dictionary, but we’ll just list 7:

1. Unconditional Love
Even when we’re at our worst, our dogs can’t help but love us anyways.

2. No Judgment
Dogs don’t judge us when we’ve eaten that 4th slice of cake. They might even encourage it!

3. A Warm Welcome
Dogs always welcome us hoe with excitement and love. They jump, they kiss, they bark, and wag their tails.

4. Laughs
Dogs can’t help but provide us with a laugh. They’re goofy antics are undeniably hilarious.

5. Stress Relievers
It’s been proven that the presence of a dog, and physically petting one can drastically reduce stress and anxiety.

6. Life Savers
On more than one occasion, dogs have saved human lives. Many animals have been the key hero in saving their owners, or a stranger’s, life.

7. They’re Family
Dogs are the best confidant you could ask for. They keep your secrets, give you affection, and even help to keep you on your daily routine. They’re the cutest family member we’ve ever chosen!

Author: Haley DePass

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