Avoid Being Scammed While Abroad

Bella Breakdown

Traveling is fun, getting scammed is not. You may become a target when traveling internationally. Don’t let a scammer ruin your vacation. Here are some tips to avoid becoming a scammers next prey.
Don’t share too much on social media. I know this is a hard one because you want to share your super awesome trip with friends and family on the ‘gram. But someone may see you are away and use it to their advantage.
Use ATMs on the inside of banks. Don’t use ones that are on the street or in a weirdly placed location.
Spread out your cash and definitely don’t carry around a debit card or your passport. Pickpocketers will look to grab your things when you are distracted and not paying attention.
Ensure that your phone is always secure. Make sure you have a passcode and that you don’t connect to a random WiFi source.
Don’t look like a lost or clueless tourist. This makes you seem like an easy target. American visitors stand out so try and blend in.
Follow these tips for a safe and enjoyable trip. Make these tips a priority on your vacation to keep you and your information safe.

Author: Emily Miller

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