The Outdated Dating Rules You Should Break

Bella Breakdown

Dating is tougher than ever. There are a million different apps and dating websites, and if your BFF can’t find him or her on Facebook, you may as well be dating a ghost. There are so many stale rules around dating and courtship, but as a woman in (almost) 2019, there are some rules that you should just straight up ignore.

1. Don’t Ask Him Out

This is one of the biggies. Your mom probably always told you that you have to let the man ask you out. Well that’s garbage, and frankly, ineffective. No one has time to wait around for him to make a move. If you feel something, say something, and ask him out. The worst that could happen is he says “no thanks.” And in that case, he’s not right for you anyway.

2. Even If You Don’t Feel the Chemistry, Go On a Second Date

Now, maybe you weren’t feeling well on the first date, or the food wasn’t right, or something was just off, but generally if you don’t feel a connection on the first date, there’s no reason to try round two. It’s a waste of your time and theirs to fake enthusiasm for another date. Just go with your gut and cut it off before you get in too deep.

3. Don’t Wear Something Too Revealing On the First Date

First of all, if your date is judging your clothes that hard, he’s probably not the right match anyway. You should wear whatever makes you feel confident, strong and sexy. I guarantee you that if you feel good, he’ll notice that and react positively as well.

4. Don’t Go Out With Him Again Until at Least Three Days Later

If you’re really feeling the connection, and your date invites you out again the next night, go for it! There’s no reason to turn down them down unless you really do have other plans, or are just not into the person.

Author: Phoebe Dawson

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