Age: The Best Trust-Building Questions to Ask Your Partner

Bella Breakdown

Part of having a really strong relationship, is having a really strong foundation. The best way to build a strong foundation with your partner is to have a true friendship with them. You should also have a lot of trust, and open, honest lines of communication. These three things are key components to any truly successful relationship. So this begs the question, how do I begin to develop these components in my relationship? Well it begins with asking your partner some really basic questions.

1. How Are You?
This simple question does a few things for your partner. It lets them know that you’re checking in on them, and it gives them the opportunity to communicate their daily feelings.

2. How Can I Help You?
This question is a great way to offer yourself as a support system when your partner is in need. Being in a relationship means you are someone’s support system and they are yours. Make sure they know that.

3. What Do You Find Difficult To Share With Me?
There are likely things your partner is holding back for fear of being judged, or causing conflict. If you truly want your partner’s trust and honesty, this question is going to make them feel safe and like they can truly share anything with you.

Author: Haley DePass

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