Reasons To Go Vegetarian

Bella Breakdown It can be hard for meat lovers of the world to understand why someone would ever go vegetarian. Bacon is just too good! Besides the taste, many people get their main source of protein from meat. But for a lot of people, the reasons for going vegetarian trump certain meaty flavors and health benefits. The most common reason for going vegetarian is maltreatment of animals. Many people cannot handle the abuse and suffering that occurs in huge animal factories, so they choose not to support that industry. For others, going vegetarian is an amazing way to support...

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My Last Bachelor Post (I Swear!)

Bella Breakdown “The Bachelor” is finally over, and all of our questions have been answered. We know who Colton ended up with, who the next Bachelorette is, whether or not Colton lost his virginity (I think…?), and, most importantly, why Colton jumped the fence. To give ya’ll an update, in the last three episodes, Colton told Cassie he was falling in love with her. Cassie was unsure of her feelings for Colton, and knew that she wouldn’t be ready for an engagement at the end of the show, so she left. Then, Colton put those football hops to good...

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Apply Fake Eyelashes The Right Way

Bella Breakdown I tried fake eyelashes once. After that, I said to myself that I would never do it again. They were very hard for me to put on and they just didn’t look right. And then, halfway through the night, they started to come off! After watching this video, I realized that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I probably looked like a total fool to makeup connoisseurs who saw my flimsy fake lashes falling off my face. Now, with the advice in this video, I have renewed faith in my ability to put on...

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College Admissions Scandal Update

Bella Breakdown On Tuesday, fifty people were accused by federal prosecutors of the largest college admissions scandal to date. These people were charged for attempting to illegally secure spots at eight extremely competitive schools, Yale, Georgetown, USC, UCLA, Stanford, Wake Forest, UT, and USD. The scam revolves around thirty-three wealthy parents, many of them famous, using million dollar bribes to find a side door into these schools. They hired William Singer, a business man from California, who promised them that he had ways to get their children into elite schools. Singer was paid around $25 million. The parents essentially...

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Cold Weather Skin Care Musts

Bella Breakdown As much as some of us may be ready for the winter months to come to an end, in many places in the United States it seems like we might be in for cold weather for a while longer. If you live in a chilly place, then taking care of your skin throughout the winter season is absolutely essential. Cold weather is especially harsh on the skin, and it can make it raw, itchy, irritated, or dry. Frigid temps can even lead to people’s skin aging more quickly. Follow these precautionary actions to protect your skin no...

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