Never Drink Watered-Down Iced Coffee Again

Bella Breakdown

Let’s face it, mornings can be long, especially when you have to wake up make lunch for the kids, cook breakfast, get them to school, and make sure you get to work on time.

Yes, we know the struggle all too well and with that being said, there is nothing like an iced cold coffee to help brighten up your morning.

But no one likes when your iced coffee gets watered-down while you get through your morning routine. So if you’re a slow sipper, this clever tip will keep your iced coffee tasting fresh!

How to Save Yourself From Waterlogged Coffee


To start, brew your favorite coffee and let cool. Pour it into an empty ice tray and place it in the freezer.

A great tip is to brew the coffee, put it in the tray, and freeze it before you go to sleep, this way you can let the coffee cubes freeze overnight and they can be ready to go in the morning.


Once they’re frozen put them in your favorite glass and pour your favorite cooled coffee over the cubes.

Add milk, stir, and before you know it you’ll be sipping on a cool drink that will never get watered-down… enjoy!

Author: Courtney

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