Real Moms, Real Solutions: Tips For Soothing Hungry After School Tummies

Fun after school snacks don't  have to be a burden to prepare! From fruit and yogurt to

Fun after-school snacks don’t have to be a burden to prepare! From fruit and yogurt to granola and smoothies, we’re taking a look at delicious (and nutritious) snacks for your ravenous little students!

After-School Snacks Your Little Students Will Love!

Each day when I pick up my daughter from school, I ask her how her day was. Her answer is always “I’m starving!”. Inevitably, she starts asking for junk. We all know that feeling of being so hungry that our bodies crave sugar, which gives us that quick fix. However, that sugar high always bottoms out quickly. Some children eat lunch at 11:00, so it’s not surprising that by the time they get home after school, they are really hungry. For this reason, I always try to make sure I have some healthy options readily available.

Healthy eating habits are established in childhood, so starting now sets your children up for healthy eating success. The other good news is that you can make an extra serving of the following snack ideas for yourself and know that you are setting a great example for your kids. This way both you and your kids getting extra servings of fruits and veggies as well.

Some things that you don’t have to prepare in advance are: cheese sticks, yogurt (I stir a little honey into plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt), unsweetened applesauce, grapes and pretzels (sweet and salty taste yummy together), and dried fruit and nuts. These are all things that you can have prepackaged and readily available for when you are on the run (as we busy parents often are).

These peanut butter topped apple slices are a great way to beat after-school hunger and get a little extra fruit into your child's diet.

These peanut butter topped apple slices are a great way to beat after-school hunger and get a little extra fruit into your child’s diet.

When you have time to prepare some other options, these are some healthy and delicious choices: Veggies and hummus, chopped fruit with dip (1 cup low fat sour cream, 1 T brown sugar, 1 T lime juice mixed together), apple wedges with peanut butter and “toppings” (raisins and mini chocolate chips, granola, cereal)—a BIG hit in my house, and smoothies (blend frozen fruit, yogurt, banana, and ice plus add in spinach or avocado to get some veggies in).

Remember that this is just a snack, not a meal, so portion your delicious goodies accordingly.  You want your child to be satisfied, but not stuffed, so that they have room for dinner, too!
Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice in our “Real Moms, Real Solutions” series!

Author: Kristen Farley

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