Should You Be Budgeting For Baby?


Bella Breakdown

Having a baby can change everything, especially when it comes to your finances. So before those cravings and that morning sickness kicks in, make sure you follow some simple tips that can help you budget for baby.

Start A Baby Fund
The first step is to set-up automated payments that are deposited from your main bank account into a fund of some sort, for example a simple baby savings account. Once the money comes in, it goes right into a fund that is set with a goal in mind. This way you won’t be tempted to spend the money that you should be saving.
Seek Advice From Friends
The next step is to network (calling all mommy friends on Facebook and Twitter). Talk to your friends and family who have already been through the process, perhaps they can tell you the mistakes and successes that they’ve experiences. Every parents has certain tips and tricks they use to make it through the financially taxing process of having a child, so be sure to stock up on the knowledge of those who have been there before you.
Having a baby is suppose to be fun and life changing so make every second (and cent) count beforehand, that way when your bundle of joy arrives you’ll be focused on the baby and not your bank account!

Author: Lauren

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