3 Moves For Leaner Legs

Bella Breakdown These three moves are going to tone those thighs, tighten that butt, burn lots of calories. This is a great way to burn off the last of summer with three simple moves you can do at home or in the gym. Curtsy – 10 reps (alternating sides) Grab some hang weights and bend legs slowly to work butt, thigh and open your hips. Single-Leg Lean – 10 reps (alternating sides) Balance on one leg and slowly pitch forward to work the butt and stretch hamstrings. Squat Jump – 10 reps; Start in a squat position then jump...

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Yoga Routine for a Flat Belly

Bella Breakdown Start with a folded blanket on a hardwood floor and put your hands on the mat. Keep your feet on the blanket and just slide your feet back and forward. Feel those abs yet? Lift one leg up, slide it back and forth a few more times. Then, switch legs. Next, try sliding it back with both legs and twist from side to side. The key to getting a flat belly is a little bit of cardio so go into plank position and tap your right knee to your forehead, then your left. Do those a few...

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