3 Moves For Leaner Legs

Bella Breakdown

You're just 3 simple  moves away from sexy slim pins.

You’re just 3 simple moves away from sexy slim pins.

These three moves are going to tone those thighs, tighten that butt, burn lots of calories.

This is a great way to burn off the last of summer with three simple moves you can do at home or in the gym.

  1. Curtsy – 10 reps (alternating sides) Grab some hang weights and bend legs slowly to work butt, thigh and open your hips.
  1. Single-Leg Lean – 10 reps (alternating sides) Balance on one leg and slowly pitch forward to work the butt and stretch hamstrings.
  1. Squat Jump – 10 reps; Start in a squat position then jump up to work the butt and as an added bonus, this counts as cardio.

Have fun and enjoy those endorphins ; )

Author: Madison

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