DIY To Keep Your Indoor Air Healthy And Fresh

Bella Breakdown We go through a lot of hustle to stay away from pollution and keep the air inside our home clean and healthy. We all invest in air purifiers, clean the AC now and then, beeswax and what not. But, the easiest of all is to keep plants inside the house which purifies the air and makes your home look more luxurious and inviting. Having plants indoor have various benefits to it like healthy air, positive vibes, and a cool atmosphere. A clean air study done by NASA states that house plants provide a natural way of removing...

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How to Plant a Terrarium

Bella Breakdown We love terrariums! They bring a pop of fresh green color into a space, and with spring just around the corner, they’re a great way to display low-maintenance succulence for some fresh decor. You can use one to dress up a coffee table or bookshelf, or as a unique center piece. To create a custom terrarium of your own: glass vessel small pebbles horticultural charcoal soil gravel succulents Start by adding a layer of small pebbles to the bottom of your glass vessel to create a drainage system since there aren’t any holes in the bottom. Then...

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