Women Pay How Much For Relationships?

Bella Breakdown According to a recent finding, women are spending thousands of dollars to find the right kind of relationship. A lot of women are not satisfied with what free dating apps are providing for them. Some women are spending anywhere from $1000 to $18,000 annually on matchmaking services, in addition to relationship experts, and therapists to help them find their, literally perfect, match. A lot of these women feel that they are under some sort of clock to get married and have children, and are willing to spend the money to help expedite this process. In a wold...

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Being A Good Girlfriend Might Not Be What You Think

Bella Breakdown You might have a certain idea of what it takes to be a good girlfriend, I mean other than having a great partner to support and complement you. To me personally, I feel as though being supportive, kind, and baking cookies is always a great way to go. Apparently some men think differently about what they want to see in their partners. A recent survey asked men what they like in a girlfriend and their answers were… interesting to say the least. One man described how he would prefer to have an overly jealous girlfriend. One that...

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Being Single Might Be More Important Than Being In A Relationship

Bella Breakdown We spend a lot of our adult lives trying to search for love. So much so that we actually ignore a lot of things about ourselves. There is the misconception that we are simply half of a person until we find the “one” who makes us whole. Well, that’s sort of a load of bull. It is really important to truly explore your single self. We could very well find ourselves in a good relationship. It could be romantic, and loving, but you could feel as though something is missing. Or maybe you are compromising who you...

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What Keeps Romance Alive

Bella Breakdown Long lasting relationships are sometimes difficult to come by. Even if a couple has had a long lasting relationship, it might not be the most loving one. A lot of people stay together for a long time out of comfort, convenience, family, and religious purposes. But, what about those rare couples that have managed to withhold a long lasting romantic love? You know, that ones that are straight out of a Nicholas Sparks book. It seems that having fun together might be the key. Enjoying each other’s company, even when times are rough. Being able to depend...

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Are You Too Comfortable?

Bella Breakdown There comes a point in every relationship when you realize that you are really comfortable with your partner. You can truly be yourself in every way. It can be exciting to realize that you are your partner are sharing this new level of comfort and intimacy with one another. But, could you be too comfortable? Studies have shown that women tend to feel comfortable less quickly than men. Men, on average, are okay with sleepovers with their partner within the first three months, where it takes women about four. When it comes to sleeping in the buff,...

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