Teaching Acceptance: Explaining To Kids About Different Types of Families


Tips for Teaching Kids Acceptance

There are many things in life that we have a choice over. However, people cannot choose the way they are born. The color of their skin, their gender, their sexual orientation, the type of family we are born into, and many other things are out of our control.

This is why one of the most important things that you can do is to teach your child acceptance of “different” kinds of people.  Rather than a sit-down lesson, this is done through your own teachingtolerance2daily actions and interactions. The example you set through your daily behavior is the one your children will learn most from. The most important message to convey is that people may look different, but each person has a heart and feelings that matter.

I think the most important lesson I could ever teach my children is that each person is a human being and deserves to be treated equally.

Speak kindly about others and make sure your children do the same. Teach them to imagine that the words they are saying are about themselves. What they want to hear those thoughts said about themselves? If not, they need to think twice before speaking.

Using unkind words or slurs is never acceptable. If your children hear a derogatory term used at school, calmly explain to them what it means and why it would be so hurtful to repeat such a mean thing.

Speak with your children about different people and families as you would any other family that resembles yours.  Answer all of their questions, and do some matter-of-factly and respectfully. Children know when you are not being completely honest and will wonder why. Learn together about other traditions and cultures of families.  Knowledge is power.

I think the most important lesson I could ever teach my children is that each person is a human being and deserves to be treated equally. The example I set by treating each person respectfully is the way I can instill this valuable lesson to them.
Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brilliant tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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