Brie Larson Empowers Women With ‘Captain Marvel’

Bella Breakdown

Marvel fans around the world are itching to see the new “Captain Marvel” movie starring Brie Larson, who plays Carol Danvers, a part human, part alien who is rumored to be the most powerful Marvel character yet. Brie agreed to the part because she was excited to play a powerful female super hero.

She knew the impact a role such as hers could have on young girls across cultures, and she was ready to take on the weight that went along with her character (literally and figuratively). Although the movie has yet to come out, Larson has already surpassed everyone’s expectations and shown girls how strong they can be.

For example, Larson decided to do all of her own stunts, which is something that 99 percent of other Marvel actors opt out of. Every day, she would hit the gym two times in order to beef up for the role.

By the end of filming, she could dead lift 225 pounds, do pull ups with ease, and even push a jeep up a hill. When girls and women watch “Captain Marvel”, they will look at Brie and recognize that she is doing all of her own stunts, and that she looks insanely strong, powerful, and feminine at the same time. She is truly a superhero for women on and off the screen.

Author: Kaitlyn Kinshella

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