Reasons Why Having Kids Is Just Awesome

Bella Breakdown
Sometimes in the midst of the never-ending laundry, the constant mess, and perpetual peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, it’s easy to lose sight of why being a parent is just awesome.

But by focusing on the simple things your kids do that are just amazing, you realize the best thing about being a parent is just that.

Why Having Kids is Pure Awesomeness

The Little Things. No, we aren’t talking about the kids themselves, we’re talking about any parents renewed joy over the tiny things in life, like watching your little one learn to kick a ball for the first time or hearing them sing their favorite song out load. It’s those little magical moments that parents live for.

24/7 Play Buddy. Just because you’re a parent does not mean your not a kid at heart, and the best thing about having a kid is that there is always someone to play with. So, if you ever feel the need to break out your favorite old school games like Twister or Play Dough you know there will always be someone in the house just as excited to play as you are.

Cuddly Cuties. We’re not trying to say that having kids is all about hugs and kisses 27/7, however, we can’t deny that having a live-in cuddle buddy is just about the best thing on the planet.

Heartfelt Gifts. There is something totally heart melting about your little one giving you gifts they’ve found or thought of themselves, whether it’s a handpicked flower or a handmade creation, those gifts from child-to-parent are the best you’ll ever receive.

Electronic Bloodhound. Don’t ask us how or why but if you’ve lost a cell phone, keys or remote we can almost be sure your little one will be able to help you find it. Maybe it’s because they’re the ones you misplaced it to start with but heck its cute to watch them on the hunt…right!

Coming Home to a Happy Face. When you come home from one of “those days” at work there is nothing better then seeing your little ones face light-up like it’s Christmas just because you walked in the door. Trust us, nothing takes the edgy off of a hard day like your little ones smile!

There you have it, some fantastic reasons why having kids is actually one of the most awesome things you’ll ever do!

Author: Lauren

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