The Items You Can and Can’t ‘Steal’ From Hotel Rooms

Bella Breakdown

Looking to snag a few things from your hotel room without getting in trouble? Here are the things that you can and absolutely cannot take from your hotel room after your visit.

Mini toiletries are a big yes. Most people actually do end up taking the mini shampoo and conditioners because they are the perfect travel size. Although some hotels are making a change. They are using larger shampoo and conditioner bottles that are fixed to the wall. This isn’t because they don’t want you to have cute little soap bottles, it is because it cuts down a ton of plastic waste. If you somehow get one of the big bottles of the wall and take that with you, the hotel will probably charge you. You’re better off going and buying your own shampoo.

You can also take the slippers. They are not reused so if you want them, they are all yours. In fact, hotels actually expect you to take them with you.

If there is an umbrella in your room that you want, definitely ask before taking. Some luxury hotels don’t mind because it great for advertising. But some hotels would rather you leave the umbrella behind for other customers who may face a rainy day.

Do not take the robe. If room service cannot find the robe in the room, you will most definitely be charged. They wash these and reuse them for they are pretty expensive to replace.

Do not take the pillow. If you think they won’t notice, you are wrong. Some places even offer a pillow menu, and if this is the case, definitely steer clear of stuffing one in your suitcase. The price tag on these can get pricey.

Do not take (or even move) anything in the minibar. Most hotels install a sensor inside of the minibar. If it detects something missing or even moved around, it will definitely charge you.

While you may not get arrested, if you take something that doesn’t belong to you, they may put you on a no stay list which will not allow you to stay there again. When in doubt, definitely ask!

Author: Emily Miller

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