Time Management Lesson: Finding the Time to Work from Home with Children


Mastering the Art of Being a Work-At-Home Mom

As I sit here writing this article, my 3 year old is playing with his toy tools.  However, I am willing my fingers to type quickly because I know that at any minute he might need my attention.  Working from home can be a mixed blessing.  While you can be physically present, you still need to remain focused on your work.  This can be a challenge when you have so many distractions—children, pets, chores, etc.  However, a bonus is that you don’t have someone watching you all day.  Therefore, you have to get your work done with your own self-motivation, self-management and organization.

The first step is to create an “office”

This doesn’t need to be an actual room (although a separate room is the most ideal).  You just need a place that you go in your house where you keep your work things- laptop, files, etc.  When you arrive in your “office”, it is a signal to you that it’s time to get busy and to tune out everything else in your house.  If possible, it should be a quiet location just for your work, nothing else.

Make a to-do list in order of priority

I like to have one list of personal things that need to get done that day, and one list of work-related tasks to conquer.  I find it to be very gratifying to get something done and cross it off.  Psychologically, it’s also such a great feeling to get your least favorite tasks over with first (paying bills, etc.).

Set hours each day and commit to them

If you build a schedule for yourself, you will be better able to organize the personal aspects of your day and be more efficient. Having a schedule will also keep you from sleeping in, chatting with friends on the phone, etc. when you should be getting work done.

Budget in time in the schedule for your kids

If they feel they are being ignored, they will be more demanding of your time.  Giving them enough attention allows them to be content to play alone when it is time for you to get back to work.  Make sure the time that you allot for your children is truly just for them.  Turn off the computer and phone and just be with your kids. This is the reason you stay home after all!

While we are doing our best to do it all, finding a balance is key.  Be proud of doing the best for your children by being home with them, while also helping to support your family financially!
Meet The Bella Behind the Blog: Kristen Farley is a mother of three and a domestic goddess. She is a former teacher who enjoys spending lots of time with her kids, healthy eating, volunteering at school, and mommy blogging for the masses.

Be on the lookout for more of Kristen’s expert advice and brilliant tips!

Author: Kristen Farley

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