Daily Tips For A Flatter Tummy

Bella Breakdown

New year, non-bloated you. You may be killing the diet game, getting plenty of fruits and veggies in, but still be bloating. It’s normal to bloat from time to time, especially when your diet is fiber-filled as it should be. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it also makes your day feel a lot…clunkier. But never fear, there are some things you can implement in your daily routine to decrease bloating.

Tips for a less-bloated, new year, new you:
Incorporate herbal tea: chamomile, fennel, peppermint and ginger are great teas for bloating.

Take a probiotic: great for overall gut health, probiotics help keep everything flowing with regularity (yes, pun intended).

Add some bone broth to your diet: it has anti-inflammatory effects.

Rethink veggies: cooked vegetables are much easier for your body to digest.

Ease up on the ‘unhealthy’ foods: this one is kind of a no-brainer, but fatty and greasy foods like pizza and fried foods are not good if you’re looking to reduce bloating.

Author: Madison

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