DIY Hugs & Kisses Wine Cork Stamps

DIYhugsandkissesBella Breakdown

This Valentine’s Day project could not be more thoughtful, sweet and easy!

First, grab a few of those wine corks you’ve been saving for some perfect crafty moment, the time has come.

Grab a marker, X-Acto and some acrylic paint, and you’ll have a sweet stamp perfect for Valentine’s Day in minutes!

First, you’ll draw an “X” on one cork and an “O” on the other, then cut away the negative with an X-Acto knife on either side and paint in any kind of acrylic or fabric paint.

Soon, anything in site can be transformed for the holiday of love, ribbons, t-shirts or napkins to add adorable handmade details to your V-Day cocktail party.

The best part is you can launder them and keep your X’s and O’s nice and bright for next year! Let the one and only Martha Stewart teach you how to spread lots of hugs and kisses with these inventive stamps.

XOXO Bellaful Beauties!

Author: Kelsey

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