Tips to Get Over Your Ex

Bella Breakdown
No matter how it happens, breaking up hurts. After you’ve emptied your local grocery store of all their Ben & Jerry’s, burnt a few love letters – safely following fire protocol – and are finally ready to move on, there’s a few steps you should take.

The answer is NO... Facebook stalking your ex will NOT HELP!!

The answer is NO… Facebook stalking your ex will NOT HELP!!

First, do not Facebook stalk your ex, rehashing old wounds only makes the healing hurt longer. If you’re serious about moving on, delete them from any social media applications you use along with mutual friends for the time being.

Focus your time on other things that make you happy, stay active and try a hobby you didn’t have time for before.

Definitely refresh your environment, pack up any unburned photos or trinkets of your ex for the time being. Out of sight, out of mind. Try a spontaneous trip with pals. A new environment will help you forget the heartache.

Start to reestablish your life and identity without that person. We’re not saying it’ll be easy, but following these steps will help the process move faster and help you remember how special you really are.

Author: Kelsey

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