Soldad O’Briens Guide To Finding Your Happiness And Raising Strong Independent Girls

Bella Breakdown

Meet Soledad O’Brien, an American broadcast journalist and executive producer. She is the chairman of Starfish Media Group, a multi-platform media production company and distributor.


When she was a kid she loved to write, she even wrote for her family newspaper where she would run around and interview her parents on what they were going to do that weekend. And the minute she started working at a tv station she fell in love. She started working in television news in 1987. She went from production assistant, to writer trainee, to producing at the network, to becoming a correspondent and then she felt she was at the stage where she could write her own ticket/create a company where she could do stories that she though was important.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that they have all these skills just waiting to be used. Some people know what they want to do from a very young age while others find their unique skills later down the road in life. No matter if you knew your skills from the beginning or your just discovering them make the most of them and teach your children that it’s so important that you choose a job that you love, a job that nourishes your soul. And whatever you choose to do give it your all.

If you do what you love you will never work a day in your life. Don’t just go to work to work and go through the motions. Find something that makes you happy. For more on Soledad’s story be sure to check out the video above!

Author: Courtney

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