Celebrate National Puppy Day With These Fun Puppy Facts

Bella Breakdown Today happens to be one of the cutest national holidays, National Puppy Day, and there is more to puppies than just being adorable. Taking care of a puppy is a big responsibility and these puppy fun facts might just shock you. Happy #NationalPuppyDay! Today, we celebrate our furry friends who have helped us get through this ruff year. Without them, it would have been im-paw-sible! Hit reply and share a photo of your pup with us. 🐶🐾📍 Banff National Park, Alberta📸 justbeingfarley/IG pic.twitter.com/qk34A5wjxS — Canada (@Canada) March 23, 2021 Taking care of a puppy requires a lot...

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Travel Safely With Your Pets During Your Next Trip

Bella Breakdown With all of the travel of the summer and fall seasons, traveling with your pet can be concerning. Here are a few tips to help make traveling with your furry friend as easy and safe as possible. If your pet is truly a member of the family, you would never want to leave them at home or in some boarding house. But traveling with a pet is challenging to say the least. But it doesn’t have to be. If you plan on putting your pet in some sort of cage or kennel for the journey, make sure...

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Choosing Pets Over Kids? You’re Not Alone!

Bella Breakdown Don’t be so quick to judge the crazy cat lady next door. According to new statistics, more people are ditching the traditional family life for a life with pets. The family unit as we know it is changing and has been changing slowly since the mid-2000s. No more are the days of traditional married couples with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. It seems that more and more couples are choosing to have “furry children” over having traditional kids. In 1970, roughly 40% of couples had children but roughly 40 years later, only 20% of married...

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5 Solutions For Anxious Animals

Bella Breakdown Having an anxious pet can be very difficult. When a dog or cat is anxious, not only will they be sad and distressed when you leave the house, but they can also resort to destruction or deification when left alone. Coming home to a messed up house and a nervous, hyper animal is not how anyone wants to end the workday. In order to help your animal get over their anxiety, consider following this advice: 1. Comprehend where their anxiety is coming from Pay attention to how your animal acts. When do they become anxious? Is it...

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Yes, The Puppy Bowl Puppies Are Up For Adoption

Bella Breakdown Each year, millions of fans gather around to watch the Puppy Bowl and see dozens of cute little fur balls running around a faux football field. These little cuties aren’t just for show, they are actually adoptable pups that come from over 50 shelters across 20 states. This year, there were around 93 pups playing in the adorable puppy bowl, and while many of them have already found new homes, you can still check out the adoptable animals from the featured shelters. Some of the featured shelters include AHeinz57 Pet Rescue & Transport in Iowa, Memphis Humane...

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