The One Thing You Won’t Find Cardi B Doing Again

Bella Breakdown With all of the body positivity movements and self-love campaigns running through social media, plastic surgery has gone by the wayside, taken over by the more natural and “imperfect” look. Cardi B has even gone so far as to vow to never get plastic surgery again but, her motives are for a different kind of self-love. Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar AKA Cardi B is a rapper/ internet celebrity known for her lyrical genius and her dazzling looks. Her outfits are always over the top and spectacular which compliments her unique lyrical style and overall persona. Her lyrics boast...

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Spice Girls Kick Off Reunion Tour In The UK

Bella Breakdown The Spice Girls kicked off the European leg of their reunion tour over the weekend and was met with horrible reviews. Though one of the biggest girl groups in the world fans were left disappointed by the singers who reportedly had “awful” sound problems. The first Spice Girls performance in seven years was so bad that some fans ended up leaving the concert early. “There’s something wrong when the crowd at @spicegirls concert are still sitting down because no one has a clue what song is on because the sound really is THAT bad,” one Twitter user...

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Lana Del Rey’s Cemetery Concert

Bella Breakdown We love a good Lana Del Rey moody single, and just can’t pass up either of her two major albums, both of which carry some seriously spooky undertones. But she’s really raising the bar with her most recent concert venue choice: a cemetery! She’ll be performing two shows at Hollywood Forever Cemetery to fans from both the past and present as her soulful songs echo through the tombstones. Would you camp out at a cemetery to hear Lana Del Rey? We’re certainly beginning to feel the Halloween vibes with October right around the corner. So get your...

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