Demi Lovato’s “Sober” May Be The Most Inspiring Song Of 2018

Bella Breakdown

Whenever I write about celebrity gossip on Whoabella, I always love to give it a snarky and sarcastic twist. But today, I want to get serious.

Demi Lovato released a surprise new single titled “Sober” in which she publicly faces the demons and consequences of relapse: not just as a celebrity, but as a human being. Lovato first detailed her struggles to the public in a Youtube documentary called Simply Complicated. The “Stone Cold” singer explained she had struggled with addiction, alcohol abuse, eating disorders, and was a victim of bullying most of her life.

Lovato had checked herself into rehab in 2010 for self-harm and bulimia, but once she was released, she put herself on a path of betterment, becoming six years sober and feeling as though she conquered her alcoholism. But demons like those sometimes never fade, especially for celebrities in the spotlight.

In the song “Sober” she begs her mother, father, friends, and fans for forgiveness, because loneliness has caused her to relapse. It’s something that many addicts face, as it only takes one drink or one hit to fall back into the same patterns that lead to a path of destruction. But here’s the thing: why should Demi be judged on one slip up? Instead, shouldn’t we be focusing on how a powerful woman overcame all of her insecurities and proved the world for six years that she wouldn’t let drugs and alcohol consumer her?

While unclear when the relapse occurred, the song shows a yearn for Lovato to get better once again, and to find the help she needs. Each line is not only lyrically intense, but filled with powerful, honest, and raw vocals. One of the lyrics that is so powerful to me is

And I’m sorry for the fans I lost / Who watched me fall again /I wanna be a role model /But I’m only human

We’re all only human. We all make mistakes. We all fall down. But it’s not about the things in life that trip us up… it’s about how we recover from those falls. Getting back up after we’ve been knocked down is how we as humans show our true character. There is no way to avoid struggle and hardship in life, there is only a chance to learn from these dark moments and prevent them from happening again.

We’re standing strong with you, Demi.

Author: Josh Harlow

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