How to Train Your Brain to Eat Healthier

Bella Breakdown

We all know we should be eating healthier but does that always mean we have to cut out our favorite foods?

Well, let’s just say size matters.


When it comes to getting in shape for those summer months and looking good in that new bikini we tend to think; more exercise, more vegetables, and the banishment of fatty foods.

But that may not always be the best way to go!

Get ready for the secret we have all been waiting for. That’s right it’s portion control.

You can still enjoy that fruity drink on the beach and those late night chocolate lover snacks you just have to train your brain to think smaller and eat in bundles.

When you have a portion of unhealthy food you should have a larger amount of healthy food so that your brain gets trained.

It’s a simple solution for a year round healthier you!

Author: Madison

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