Add A Touch Of Color To Your Home With These Pet-Friendly Houseplants

Bella Breakdown

Having houseplants can clash with being a pet owner with some of the most beautiful houseplants posing a potential hazard for pets. A simple compromise to this problem is getting pet-friendly houseplants and holders to protect your furry family.

The lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus radicans) comes in many varieties and is named after the flower buds that peek out from darker red tubes. When given enough light, these plants bloom throughout the year and are a great option for hanging or wall-mounted plants.

The bird’s nest fern features long wavy leaves and is easy to care for with easy maintenance for newbie plant parents. This low-maintenance fern requires low to bright indirect light that needs to be watered weekly. If the leaves seem to start wilting, check to see if the soil is dry and water if needed. Bird’s nest ferns don’t grow too fast so they won’t take up too much space.

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