DIY Home Fragrance

DIYThomefragranceThe next time your home is a wreck and the company you forgot were coming over are about the arrive, don’t panic and run around the house doing last minute tidying up that never does the job, instead focus on creating an inviting aroma for them to remember. People actually remember scent more than visual images so those books scattered about will be long forgotten.

In the fall and winter it’s practically a mandate that home’s must smell like baking cookies or cinnamon sticks, but what about the springtime before oodles of flowers are everywhere for the picking? Go for a fresh, clean scent filled with potent citruses and extracts instead.

Here’s What To Do
Put the biggest pot you own on your stove and fill it with a couple cups of water, then throw in things that you already have around the kitchen.

It could be lemons, oranges, fresh herbs or essential oils. Play with different combinations and find the one that really speaks to you and your home.

By the time your doorbell rings you’ll be less stressed and ready to entertain like a pro.

Author: Kelsey

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