The RIGHT Way to Fill in Your Brows with a Brow Pencil

Bella Breakdown

We know the brow is everything right now, but there are still some of us gals who haven’t done anything more than plucking a few stray hairs to avoid the Frida Kahlo look. Well if you’ve been considering stepping up your look and getting your brows just right (aka on fleek … sorry had to do it), have no fear – it’s really, really easy!


All you’ll need is a brow pencil and spoolie brush, most pencils have one attached, but if not they’re only a few bucks at any beauty supply store or makeup shop. If you’re shopping around, there’s going to be a lot of different options for brow filling, go with this pencil technique for a natural, long-lasting look.




Start by finding the starting point, arch and ending point of your brow. To do this, hold your pencil vertically at the side of your nose, that’s most people’s starting point, but here’s a tip, bringing your brows closer together can give your nose a narrower appearance.

Next, rotate the pencil to align with your pupil, that’s your ideal arch. Then rotate the pencil one last time to align with the outer corner of your eye and it should land at the best end point for your brow.




Fill in your brow using small, light upward stokes, as you reach your arch point, use small downward stokes. Brush through with your spooliebrush to eliminate any obvious pencil marks. For more definition, line the underside of your brow, and there you have it!

Author: Amy

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