Minute Fix: Express Morning Workout

Bella Breakdown

Watch a 10 minute workout you can do anywhere and be back at your desk in 15 minutes. It helps to keep a mat and a pair of sneakers at your desk if you want to do this at the office.


10 Moves That’ll Get Your Heart Rate Rising

#1. Plank with Leg Raises (be sure not to arch your back).

#2. Plank Walk strengthens arms and shoulders.

#3. Air Squat strengthens leg muscles.

#4. Squat Jump builds a better butt.

#5. Dive Bombers strengthen back and arms. Start in down dog and end in the same position.

#6. Plank Jacks strengthen legs and arms.

#7. Side Planks tone obliques.

#8. Mountain Climbers strengthen abs.

#9. Tricep Dips strengthen arms and triceps.

#10. High Knees develops strength and endurance.

Stretch and enjoy your day!

Author: Kristen Farley

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