New Year, New You: 7 Moves to Help You Look Like a Victoria’s Secret Model

Bella Breakdown

Angel wings, bras, lingerie and abs have been everywhere recently. Just because you don’t have a Victoria’s Secret catwalk contract doesn’t mean you can’t look like an angel. Here are a few moves you can do once a day, in black leotard, tights and point shoes if you’ve got them, for the perfect angel bod!

Single-Leg Bridge (do up to 30 reps on each side) Lie down on your yoga mat with hands pressing down into the floor, bend one leg and lift the over straight up. Use your core to lift up off the mat stretching with your pointed leg.
Outer Thigh Extensions (do up to 30 reps on each side) Come up on one side of your mat and place your elbow below your shoulder. Bend your bottom leg on the mat and extend your other leg strait out. Stretch you arm up and over your head, then pull elbow and and knee together.
Abs with Port De Bras (do up to 30 reps) Sit up on your mat with legs slightly bent and back straight. Raise both hands above your head and gracefully sweep a hand to one side leaning back and repeat. Make sure to engage your core muscles and not strain your neck.
Sweeping Lunges (do up to 30 reps on each side) Amp up your lunge by adding a sweeping hand motion. Place one hand on your hip and your other on the mat. When you lunge to standing, raise your arm in a graceful sweep.
Single Leg Pli with Toe Touch (do up to 30 reps on each side) Engage your core with a straight standing leg and extended leg for a quick to touch. Keep arms engaged stretched straight out in front of you.
Angel Arms (do up to 30 reps) That’s right. Time to flap your wings. Extend arms and be very intentional to control the stretch and extend your range of movement to it’s fullest.
Grand Plié in Second Position (do up to 30 reps) Take a wide stance on your mat and stretch arms in front of you. Settle into a deep plié and repeat, making sure to engage your core and keep your back straight.

Author: Madison

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