Tips for Cold-Weather Workouts

Bella Breakdown
When you picture yourself enjoying a nice run it’s usually an image of a slim, health you running a loop around the local park on a bright sunny day, not a red-faced grimly-determined figure in layers of winter wear trudging uphill watching for icy puddles, but winter’s where the real work gets done.

You want that bikini body for summer?

You can just start when the sun peaks out from it’s slumber. You’ve got to get going now, and it’s so much simpler with just a few important tips.

Dress in layers, allowing flexibility for temperature change, but be sure to skip that moisture-retaining cotton that just makes you colder. Instead, cop some work-out wear made from synthetic fibers.

Acclimate to the environment but, before you start, spend five to ten minutes doing low intensity exercises to help your body adapt to the cold.

Most importantly, drink even more water, it’s especially hard to gauge your thirst in cold weather because you don’t sweat as much. So, be sure to get plenty of water during and after your work-out.

So, have fun being the only runner in site, you’ll look twice as good as anyone else when summer rolls around.

Author: Madison

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