9 Simple Resolutions That Could Change Your Life

Bella Breakdown

Struggling to figure out what your New Year’s Resolution is going to be? Can’t decide which habit to kick, or which habit to adopt? Maybe you didn’t stick to last year’s resolution…but that’s quite alright, because 2018 is almost here! We have a pretty simple list of suggestions of possible resolutions that could be life changing! Nothing major, just a few small changes that could yield some big results for you in the coming year.

1. Make an effort to get out and walk more.
2. Try something new every week.
3. Clean and get organized.
4. Cook more at home.
5. It’s easier said than done, but quite smoking!
6. Spend more time with your family.
7. Stop drinking soda.
8. Volunteer more often.
9. Drink more water!

Author: Tasha

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