We Reveal The Secrets To Get Your Kid To Stop Eating Junk Food

Bella Breakdown

It’s easy to control what your child is eating when they’re younger, but once they become teenagers and earn their own money to spend that control is lessened. For those parents that are worried their teenager isn’t eating the healthiest, a new study says to tell them they’re being manipulated.

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business did a research study on 536 eighth graders between 2014 and 2016. The Texas students were separated into two groups where the first group read fact-based exposé on big food companies. The other group received articles on the benefits of healthy eating.

The students who read about the manipulative tactics chose less junk food snacks and soda. A newer study was released on Monday polling a new group of eighth-grade students in 2017.

This time the researchers found that after being exposed to the manipulations of food brands, students chose healthier options for the remainder of the school year. The study also found that boys were the main ones to cut junk food out of their diets 31% more than the group who received the healthy eating material.

Researchers assume that teens who read about the big food companies were so turned off by the idea that they were being controlled by adults, they did the opposite of what marketers wanted them to do. ”

Find out more about the latest junk food findings by watching the video above.

Author: B.J. Mims

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