A Simple Fat-Burning Workout You Can Do at Home

Bella Breakdown

This is an easy 10-minute fat-burning plyometric workout you can do at home. Do 10 reps of each exercise, in order. Rest 1 minute, then repeat the circuit as many times as you can in 10 minutes.

#1 Jumping Lunges

Keeping your chest up, do a lunge, then jump up and switch legs doing the lunge on the other leg.

#2 Burpees

Jump feet back to plank position, then jump feet forward and jump straight up in the air.

#3 Single Leg Deadlift & Hop

Do a deadlifts standing on one leg then switch sides.

#4 Froggers

Crouch down in a frog position, then put your hands on the ground and jump your feet straight back in a wide-legged plank position. Then jump your feet back into a crouched frog position.

#5 Sumo Jump Squats

Squat down then jump straight up without letting your knees fall inward, then back down into a squat.

#6 Plank Jacks

In a forearm plank, jump your feet out and in while keeping your core tight.

#7 Plyo Push Ups

Do a push-up, then come up with a clap.

Author: Kristen Farley

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