Tara’s Not-Scary Sirsasana Headstand

Bella Breakdown
This headstand is going to feel so good. Getting upside-down is going to get the blood flowing in your body, help get those toxins out and only takes one minute!

Interlace your hands pretty loosely. The top of your head is going to go on the ground and your hands are going to relax on the back of your head.

Just breath here for a few long deep breaths. If you feel pretty good here tuck your toes, lift your hips up and right now you’re in a headstand. Bam, you’re there.


Breathe into it and enjoy the sensation of your blood flow working harder the opposite direction. If you feel like walking your feet in a little closer and getting even more vertical, that’s fine, if not that’s totally fine too.

Do what feels good. If you’ve done this before slowly lift one leg at a time off the ground into a full headstand. There shouldn’t be any kicking or pushing up, that just hurts your neck.

This is the perfect position for starting your day or ending your night. Enjoy and embrace your body with this sirsasana headstand.

Author: Madison

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