The Ultimate Butt-Sculpting Workout With Model Cami Morrone

Bella Breakdown

Watch model Cami Morrone duck walk, curtsy, and booty kick her way to a better butt at New York’s Dogpound gym.


The first move Cami shows us is called the Duckwalk. Begin by putting a resistance band around your legs right above your knee caps. While sitting down in a squat position, walk your legs out, taking steps to the right then repeat by taking steps to the left.

Straight Leg Booty Kicks

The second move is Straight Leg Booty Kicks. Put the resistance band around your thighs about halfway between your knees and hips. Then, get down on all fours with your back in tabletop position. Straighten one leg straight back and lift the leg up and down.

Curtsy Kick

The third exercise is Curtsy Kick. Go down into a courtesy, then push back up while kicking your straight leg out to the side. These three booty exercises will get you toned just in time for summer!

Author: Kristen Farley

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