Why Your Fitness Band Might Be Lying to You

Bella Breakdown

Sharon Profis explains how “You’re Doing it All Wrong” when it comes to your fitness tracker.

If you have not calibrated your fitness tracker properly, you may have either walked more or less than what your tracker is showing you.

Distance is calculated on your tracker by multiplying the number of steps you walked by your stride length. If you want your Fitbit fitness tracker to calculate the distance you walked accurately, you need to start calibrating.

Steps to properly calibrate your device:

1. Count how many steps you walk in a specific distance (such as on a track).

2. Divide the total distance (in feet) by the number of steps you took.

3. Plug in your new accurate stride length into your Fitbit.

If you care about accuracy when you check the distance you walked, follow these easy steps to reach your fitness goals!

Author: Kristen Farley

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