Consider Isometric Exercises

Health is wealth and all that jazz.

I’m a bit of a sedentary person; I don’t really like to move around that much, I don’t like exercising in public, I don’t like jogging, so on and so forth. The obvious problem with all that is that I don’t get a lot of regular exercise. Loath as I am to admit it, regular physical movement is a vital part of a long life. But what’s a shy guy with no room for an elliptical supposed to do to get his buns in gear? As with most things in life, the simplest solution is often the best.

Isometric exercises utilize your body’s own weight and elasticity as an exercise tool. You can achieve a decent burn with certain repetitive motions. Instead of a big, expensive stair-stepper thing, for example, just get a box or stepladder, step on up and flex those hammies. As long as it’s outside of your normal range of movement, it’s exercise. Now, in all fairness, since isometric exercise is so simple, you’re not going to build a lot of muscle doing it, merely stay in shape. But if you’re not a physical laborer or whatever, then staying in shape is a lot more important than getting beefy, right? Suits me fine, at least.

Author: Daniel Trock

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