60 Seconds to Fit: The Reverse Lunge with a Twist


Bella Breakdown

We love to get the most out of our workout, so when a move targets this many muscle groups, we can’t get enough! The reverse lunge with a twist takes the typical lower body move that targets your hips, your glutes and your thighs, then it also engages your core by adding a twist!


Start by grabbing one dumbbell and holding it horizontally at chest level, then take a big step back with your left foot, targeting your right leg.

Sit deeply into the lunge and feel the burn in your thighs. This exercise is going to be targeting your obliques, the muscles on the sides of your waist, by twisting to the right and engaging your core.

Push through your heel to stand back up and repeat on the other side using your opposite leg to step back and twisting to the other side. Make sure you don’t let you back knee touch the floor.

Keep your core tight to help you stay balanced and get every second of exercise out of your work out.

Author: Madison

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