4 Easy Knee Stretches

Bella Breakdown

Our knees are taking a pounding every day, from running for the bus to climbing stairs, let alone the stress we add to them while working out. The good news? You can easy add just a few of theses stretches and strength moves to your workout to protect your knees and keep them strong and healthy.

1. Calf Stretch
4easykneestretches1Stand with your hands flat against a wall, your arms straight, and stand with your right foot behind your left foot. Slowly bend your left knee forward, keeping your right knee straight, hold for about 30 seconds, switch legs and repeat.

2. Quadriceps Set
4easykneestretches2Sit on a mat with your right leg extended out in front of you with a rolled towel underneath your knee. Push you knee down into the town while you tighten your thigh. Hold for five seconds and then release. Do three sets of ten reps and then switch legs

3. Straight Leg Raise
4easykneestretches3Lie down on your back with your right leg extend on the mat and your left leg bent and foot on the mat. Lift your straight leg up until both knees meet and then slowly lower. Do three sets of ten reps and then switch legs.

4. Hamstring Stretch with a Band
4easykneestretches4Lie on your mat with both legs straight, then take a band and place it on the ball of your right foot. Using the band lift your leg until you feel a stretch behind your knee and thigh, but making sure that your knee is not locked. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat two more times and then switch legs.

Keep your knees strong and flexible with one or more of these easy stretches as part of your daily fitness routine.

Author: Madison

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